Wednesday, November 13, 2013


At home the night before her big move with Makeup Mom
and Twilight Girl.
If you read this blog, you know how I live to move family members across the country.  I especially love to move Swim Girl.  Let's see, there was bringing her home from New Jersey, then off to St. Louis, then out to Orange County, then clear across the country to Maryland and then home.  But wait. We are not finished yet.  We had to move her one more time to southwestern Missouri.  Note to Swim Girl:  how about Hawaii?

I knew this one would be hard because it had been a long time since our house was anything more than her permanent address for mail (mainly bills).  In fact, she hadn't been here for more than a week since the summer before her Sophomore year in college.  She stayed this time for over a year.  It was hard to say goodbye.

I haven't looked in her empty room yet.  I am afraid that I will cry more than I already have (and not just because I will freak out at the mess).  I got so used to seeing her every day; on the couch wrapped up in a blanket, at work, at dinner.  Having her move home was one of those unexpected parental bonuses ranking right up there with the kids filling the gas tank without being asked (using their own money) and remembering your birthday without any discreet phone calls from the other parental unit. In other words touching and sweet and wonderful.

So as Swim Girl moves on to begin a new adventure, I say thank you.  Thank you for coming home and sharing your friendship once more.  I wouldn't have traded this past year for anything.

With her Dad.

I will not bore you with a narrative of the
hours I spent cleaning this tiny room

Be brave and enjoy this new adventure.