She has a great dog named Rach (Rock). He is a Karelian Bear Dog and I have devoted entire posts to him. He is the bad boy your mother always warned you about; completely charming, but watch out. The last time he got away (by smashing through the screen door) he went down to the bar and she got a call that he was there and could she come get him. He wasn't causing any trouble, just getting petted and fed probably. Like I said, bad boy.
Rach trees bears. He trees snow leopards or pumas or lynx or whatever. He chases moose off of your path. He is fearless. He doesn't even mind guns or loud noises or snowmobiles or anything.
Alaska Girl has had pretty crappy winter weather where she is. Now, her version of crappy is not much snow. That's my version of awesome. Suffice it to say that she has been able to train outside on the trails in shorts. Yeah.
Apparently, the last time she ran on the trail it wasn't good. She posted a picture on Instagram and I asked her about it. She told me it was the creepiest run she had ever done on the trail. Rach was spooked and kept trying to back up. This set off alarm bells for her and awareness was high. Luckily, nothing happened and she was able to get by the scary last tree and get safely into the car.
She then told me about the 2 dogs that had been attacked in her town by mountain lion. Of course, there are always bear in town - around 2 a.m. is when Rach sets off the alarm, charging at the windows. The mountain lion are something new and no one seems to know why they are coming into town. Great.
I'm not sure I needed to know about the mountain lions. Or the fact that Rach was spooked.
However, being the awesome mom that I am, I calmly suggested that perhaps he knew more than she did and maybe she should confine her runs to town for the time being. She said that is what she has been doing because the fact that he was spooked and nervous really scared her.
Here is my version of Rach. Fierce protector. Notice the lynx in the top branch. If this dog is scared, pay attention.
This is a mountain lion. It is ready to pounce on my daughter, dog or no dog.
This is a grizzly. It is also ready to attack my daughter.
This is how I see my daughter. While she may be a pink leopard, she is no match for the mountain lion and the grizzly bear.
Voila. The inner workings of a mom's mind. Now you know. There is no off switch, just a looped video of these images that run through my mom mind constantly.
In all reality, this is probably what is out there.
Love you, Alaska Girl.