Thursday, May 22, 2014

Meet Betty Sue

Pedi is intact!
I haven't said anything about this except to family and a few friends, but I just had surgery.  I know, but I had to fit it in somewhere between helping my sister move and helping Swim Girl move again.  Besides, I have a date on Broadway this summer with Computer Boy!

That pesky ankle that I blogged about late last summer (remember The Boot?) finally got to the point where I couldn't take it any more and so I went and had it fixed the other day.  I know they did about 5 different things to it, but they all have big words to describe them and I didn't write it down.  So let's just say they fixed it.

Of course, prior to this surgery, they made me go off of Ibuprofen for a week.  It seems that Ibuprofen is a blood thinner. It was also the only thing keeping me walking.  By the time the surgery date rolled around, you could have stuck a fork in me.  I was done!  And to add insult to injury, I got a major caffeine headache that day.  The nurses did feel bad about that one.  They said that is probably the biggest complaint that they hear.

Luckily for me, this time it was an outpatient deal so I only had to spend a few hours at the surgery center. My husband said the doctor came in and told him they did everything.  I only have his word for it.  I was sleeping.

The very technical process of laying in bed and turning off my light.
They did give me a nifty little block from the knee down.  It made my leg all tingly and kept the pain away for a solid 24 hours.  By then I had my good drugs going, so all was well.

Since this isn't my first time at the rodeo (so to speak) I worked hard to prepare for this gig.  I am living on the first floor in Swim Girl's old room.  There are clothes in the drawers and closet and I have everything set up.  Technology center on the left; drugs, snacks and drinks on the right.  Art supplies dead ahead.

I have to stay off of the leg for 6 weeks. At least that is what they keep telling me.  I keep asking hoping that I will get a different answer like, say, 2 weeks.  So far, the answer has been the same.

Of course, this means crutches and...Betty Sue.

I don't know why I call her Betty Sue, but I do.  She looks like a Betty Sue.  She isn't mine to keep, but she is mine for the time being.  She has a hand brake and a basket.  I only need one of those bells, but Grocery Boy said no way (quite emphatically in fact).  I will decorate Betty Sue.  It won't be permanent, but I think I will paint a name card for her.  Maybe thread some ribbons in her basket.

Now I am getting tired.  It's time to turn off the lights with my crutch and take a nap.  I can't wait to ride Betty Sue.

Betty Sue!  Isn't she beautiful?

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