Friday, June 27, 2014

Ahhh! I Can Breathe Again!

Well, actually, my leg can finally breathe again.

Ask anyone who has had a cast for any length of time to describe the most uncomfortable part of the experience and I guarantee you that they will answer, "Claustrophobia."


It is hard to describe if you haven't had a cast, but here goes.

Ha!  You can see the tan line.
You can also see that I am all
'swelled up'.
A cast cannot be removed.  It is hot and it is heavy.  There are times (for me it was when I was in bed at night trying to go to sleep) when you just want to take the damn thing off because your limb feels so confined, so claustrophobic!  I tried to wiggle my leg and foot in that darn thing desperately trying to loosen it up.  Not so much.

This might help you to understand how wonderful it feels to have the cast off after nearly 6 weeks of confinement.

Fair warning must be given about what happens when a cast is removed. First of all, it tickles like crazy.  The rotating cutter thing just vibrates your whole leg and you can't help but jerk around a little. It doesn't hurt at all, but watch out if you are ticklish.

Cast off!  Oh, lordy, sweet relief.  This was quickly followed by the realization that there is an actual forest growing on my leg. And, it does not smell 'pine fresh'.  One whiff was enough to make me glad that I was already sitting down.   I swear my eyes watered.

I was up a lot today so you
can see my balloon foot.
The doctor says this will
be my greatest issue.
I won't go into detail about all of the dead skin that needs to be removed. Suffice it to say that my foot has quite the red, raw 'new skin' look since I attacked it with a loofah and some foot scrub in the shower.  It will need further soaking and scrubbing.  (In my case, there is also a wonderful tan line that I will have to deal with over the next couple of weeks, but I'll get it evened out!)

As I suspected, I am still not to put any weight on the leg at all for a few more days (until I hit the magical 6 week mark).  No "Rocky" theme song for me yet.

In a few days, I will be allowed to crutch walk (you know what I'm talking about) with both crutches. Then I can lose one crutch and then I can lose the last one and go whole hog on my own steam.  I am to wear the Boot at all times for any weight bearing until I go back to the doctor in 3-4 weeks (I chose 3).

I do not, however, have to wear the Boot all of the time.  I can sleep without it.  I can sit outside without it.  I can sit around the house without it.  Hallelujah!

I think that I can hear my leg and foot breathing right this minute!

So, 3 more weeks of semi-confinement.  I like to think of it in terms of 'house arrest'.  I am out of the slammer and a little more mobile.  I just can't go too far!  Pretty soon I will be on probation.

Hmmm.  I think I feel like watching "Orange is the New Black" for a while.  Laters!

OK.  Click if you dare.  6 week photo updates.

The Achilles.  I know, the skin is disgusting, but I think it looks pretty good.

This one worries me.  It gave me the most 'trouble' while I was cast.
It's not quite together yet so I will get some more steri-strips.

Under all that swelling and yucky stuff is a scar.  Somewhere.  Looks amazing!

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