Sunday, June 22, 2014


There is less than one week left in my forced idleness.  Thank goodness.

While I am frustrated at the lack of mobility, I am getting a little nervous about 'walking' again.  6 weeks with no weight on the left leg will do that to you.  What will happen when I can actually use it? I see visions of a blubbering, heaping mess on the floor.

I don't know what my instructions will be.  I only know that I am to bring 'The Boot' to my cast removal ceremony.  Well, that's what it is in my mind anyway!

That's not me at the top of the Rocky stairs, but I can
still visualize!
Will I be walking out of the office, crutches raised above my head in celebration and the theme from 'Rocky' blaring?  I don't know.

I do know that I will then begin the tortuous path to recovery known as 'PT'.  Can't wait for that painfest. Letting tendons and ligaments get 6 weeks worth of scar tissue built up before moving them ought to be a walk in the park.  Uh huh.

And yet, I will be glad to be able to get moving and stop sitting around with my leg up so much.  At least if my leg swells, I can adjust the boot.  This cast has been rather stubbornly un-adjustable, despite my efforts.

Oh, I have no doubt that I will overdo it at first.  I will sit around with my leg up napping for a couple of days, frustrated and sad.  Then I will suck it up and be more reasonable with what I can and can't do.

While it may not be the forts that I usually aspire to complete, I do still have plans for the summer.  A couple of little trips and then a trip to the Big Apple (hopefully).  I have a basement and a spare room that need deep cleaning.  I have closets to get at and I would like to help my sister overcome her painting obstacles.  I would love to be able to drive somewhere, open my car door and get out and walk to my destination.  Going upstairs would also be a treat since I haven't seen our second floor in over a month.  And let's not even talk about the joys of a proper shower where both legs get clean and both legs get shaved!

Oh, wait.  Does this mean I will have to start cooking again?  On second thought, I think I might need another couple of weeks in this cast.

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