Sunday, January 27, 2013

How About a Little Ice with That?

What ho!  It is still January and I am well enough to write another post.  I must be in Iowa.  Dang.  Just when I thought that we might get through this month with nothing but really cold temps, along comes this storm.

I can't remember the name of it.  We have three cats, one dog and two grown children living at home and I am lucky to get the correct name on the third try.  I want to know who's brilliant idea it was to name these winter storms.  Computer Boy says that the Weather Channel did some research and apparently more people watch when storms are named.  I am going to take a wild guess here and say these were tropical storms and hurricanes that caused massive destruction and  mayhem.  Not winter storms that come along every freaking week.  I mean, unless it's a huge Nor'easter or some other type of record breaker, a winter storm is mainly a cause for celebration for school children everywhere.  That is, until the middle of June when they are still stuck in a hot classroom.

This being said, it was kind of cool to watch the guy from the Weather Channel on the Weather Channel while he was here commentating on the ice storm.  He was right up on one of the main drags by the cinemas and the highway.  Yup.  We've got both here.  And a couple of stoplights, too.

I wanted to try out my new Canon EF 75-300 mm lens, so I popped outside for a few pics.  And if you believe that one, I know there is some swamp land somewhere that I can sell you.  My popping outside consists of opening the window, raising the screen and sticking my camera outside while I am all bent over trying to get a good picture.  Despite the crappy weather, these didn't turn out too badly.

It's alive.  I think that Computer Boy left a BB Gun here somewhere that could take care of that.

1 comment:

  1. Funny!!!!!!!!! and my mind is being blow by all these amazing pics!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome, epic, and mind blowing don't even begin to describe how cool they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to tell Morgan about them!!!!!!!!!! And i don't remember if i already told you, but Morgan really likes you and your art and thinks that you are really funny!!!!!!!!!!
    Love/miss you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up Aunt Neise!!!!!!!!!!!! and maybe you need a Rach of your own to take care of those peskey squirrles!!
    - Pony Girl/ The Gummy Bear Bandit
