Monday, April 8, 2013

The Societal Implications of Butt Sniffing

We are lucky to have two DOLA parks (Dog Off Leash Area) in our community.  They are fenced and well maintained.  I have gone with Rach and Swim Girl to the one by the Mississippi a couple of times now.  This past week as it was warming up (relatively speaking anyway), Swim Girl asked me to go with her to take him to the Dog Park.  I said okay and a little later I grabbed my camera and we left.

Sometimes I can see more when I am looking through my lens.  It was while I was snapping shots of The Rach that I realized our canines are far smarter than we are and we need to follow their lead.

So, I came up with some bullet points that I like to call "Rachisms".   Here are a few.

Enjoy the Ride!  Lean your head out of the window and soak it all in with the sun on your face and the wind in your hair.  Sometimes, getting there is the most fun of all.  And it's okay to drool in anticipation.

Tug and Pull Your Way to Where You Want to Go!  Rach cannot wait to get where he wants to be.   Now what was my excuse again?

Stay Calm and Sniff a Lot of Butts!  While the
doggies may run around like crazy once they are
inside the DOLA, when it comes to approaching a potential new friend they remain calm and sniff butts politely.  They know instinctively which animals may be too shy for company and they back off if warned.  But guess what?  They come
back and gently try again.  And again.  And again.  They try until it's time to go home or they have a new friend.  I bet we all know someone who needs that gentleness and I bet they have a pretty ferocious bark that keeps us away!

Greet Everyone!  Rach and the others never ignored a new dog coming into the area.  The new friend was greeted and his/her butt was sniffed.  Then normal activities resumed.  In this day of Social Networking, it's easy to forget how to actually sniff some butts and say hi!  I think it just might be time to put down the cell phone.

Well, I do have more "Rachisms", but you're supposed to always leave them wantin' more, so may I just say, Happy Butt Sniffing!

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