Saturday, March 16, 2013

Is That Mud?

We don't go out much.  Not because we can't. It's more that I get involved in things around here and then I don't want to go anywhere because I am in my comfy clothes.

We went out for a couple of hours tonight.  We have learned to put the kitchen trash in the pantry, the bread in the oven and the bathroom trash on the sink.  You know, the normal things you do when you have a Karelian in the house.  We thought that we were gold.  We were wrong.

Swim Girl wants a special dessert for her birthday.  We will celebrate it tomorrow because I will be in the Valley of the Sun for her actual birthday.

She showed me a Facebook post with the recipe for her birthday 'cake'.  It requires Oreos, peanut butter cups, chocolate fudge pudding and whipped topping.  Nom nom.

Grocery Boy remembered to put the pb cups and Oreos in the pantry.  Good job.  He forgot to put the box of chocolate fudge pudding in there.  He should have remembered.

When Rach does not greet us at the door, something is up.  I hollered out to Alaska Girl, "Check and see what he has done.  He is hiding."

It didn't take us long to find it.  I will let the pictures speak.

I have to admit that we were laughing so hard that we couldn't even discipline him.  Then I saw his legs and really lost it.

Nope, that's not mud.  It's chocolate fudge pudding.  Oh and that's the 'box of shame' taped to his head.  I pulled out half of his neck fur when I took it off of him.  Alaska Girl will go get more pudding tomorrow.  Along with a Rug Doctor.

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