Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bead Board is Happening and a Mystery

Day 10

I was gone pretty much all day yesterday (I will not tell you where I was as that may incriminate me), so I was pleasantly surprised when I got home and found the bead board up and ready to go.  Yeah.  Unfortunately, the plumbers will have to move a pipe down a little in order for the vanity/sink to go in, but they will be here on Tuesday anyway.  This just means a lot of work for our guy from Bettendorf Home Repair that day if he intends to finish up.

You can still sort of see Nemo if you squint just right.

Love me some bead board!

The currently topless vanity (hey!  this is a family joint).  The plumbers will have to move a pipe a bit down the wall so that it can be connected properly.

Now for the mystery part.  While I was in the Batcave yesterday, I heard one of the kitties making a loud noise.  I couldn't see what they were doing, but figured it was simply a super noisy litter box break since said stinky box is currently in the upstairs bathroom.  Yeah.  That wasn't quite it.

This is the picture of a very cool ornament that I made using book paper, watercolor and polyfill.  Note that it isn't even finished.  No hanging ribbon yet.

And this is now the back of said ornament explaining the noise that I heard.  I wish I knew who had done this so I could scold them in a proper manner.

A better view for you to see the actual kitty damage done to my masterpiece.  There will be no effort at repair.  And yes, that is Olympic Swimming on my TV.  You can take the swim kids away from the mom, but you can't take the swim love away!

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